
Introduction to Targi Kielce

28 may 2013
Targi Kielce trade fair and congress centre has hosted the group of blind and visually handicapped guests – future TK employees have been introduced to their working places

The project participants had a tour over Poland’s most state of the art exhibition hall

Since November 2012 Targi Kielce, Nadzieja Rodzinie (Hope for the Family) Foundation and Kielce’s Caritas have been implementing the “Comprehensive social and professional rehabilitation for the blind and visually handicapped citizens of Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship” programme. As stipulated in the contract, the group of blind and visually disadvantaged people has already been selected; from January 2014 they will be joining the staff of the Kielce’s trade fair and exhibition centre as well as the special Call Centre cooperative. Seven people will try their hand at the Targi Kielce’s sections such as PR, Marketing, Trade Fair Organisation and Congress Centre.

- The group composed of 20 people has entered the basic and social rehabilitation phase. We practise self presentation techniques as well as the skills which may prove useful when they start working – says the project group’s coach Agnieszka Janicka-Maj.

Targi Kielce de minimis contribution accounts for almost 246 thousand PLN – The funds will be spent on employment of the disabled and accessory equipment dedicated for the new employees. – says Targi Kielce’s President of Board Andrzej Mochoń PhD. – argi Kielce identifies with business corporate responsibility. There are 10 disabled people who are already employed in our company. A new group is now being given a chance, and I do hope that among them we will be able to find real talents. – adds President Mochoń.