

28 march 2012
The new team composition for the new season has been announced

Ivan Cupić – the bets right-winger of the World championship in Croatia – from 1st July to play in  Vive Targi Kielce

Ivan Cupić – the bets right-winger of the World championship in Croatia – from 1st July to play in Vive Targi Kielce

The KS Vive Targi Kielce board, having gad the discussion with the coach, has resolved about the team’s composition for the following season. At the end of this season Patryk Kuchczyński will be leaving the team as his contract is about to terminate as well as Mateusz Zaremba who has been given a free reign to find a new club. The team member were formed about these decisions at the meeting with the board; the coach Bogdan Wenta was also present.

Next season the team will be composed of 17 players. The decision about the number of playes has been based upon the PGNiG Superliga regulations which do not provide for more than three players from non-EU member states to take part in one match. After Ivan Cupić joining the team ther will be four such players (Denis Buntić, Rastko Stojković, Zelijko Musa and Ivan Cupić). Thus the contract with Marcin Jurasik will be in force for one year. Jurasik’s role has been designed by the board and accepted by this team member.

The Board has issued the statement making the reservations that the decisions have not been influenced by the team’s result in the 1/8 Champions League matches with Cimosem Koper; they are the result of the players’ suitability and their sprts abilities to be utilised next season.