
Kielce City Council Session in Targi Kielce

19 april 2012
The city councillors will become familiar with the company’s short term plans and will decide about the changes introduced into the city’s budget

At the session the City Councillors will be presented with the management summary and development plans of Targi Kielce

The Kielce City Councillors have their annual seating in Targi Kielce. This is the time to become familiar with the management summary for the last exhibition year as well as all its operations with regards to the exhibition business and its activities in the world of culture and sports. The centre’s development plans for future will also be discussed in details. The City of Kielce is the owner of 99% of shares.

The sessions programme also encompasses 20 regulations on, inter alia, city’s budget as well as the many-year financial perspective for the city. The councillors will also deal with the changes introduced into the Communal Preventive Programme fro Alcohol Related Problems and Prophylaxis and the bylaws with regards to Kielce selling and buying real estate, south of Kielce and Dyminy - Łanowa - Sukowska spatial management programme.