
Korczak’s values at the EDUKACJA trade fair

20 march 2012
“The world of values culture is based upon …” the conference designed for 500 guests from all over Poland


One of largest events which accompany the 17th EDUKACJA trade fair is the conference on “The world of values culture is based upon. Janusz Korczak’s pedagogy as the challenge and inspiration for contemporary teachers”, the conference has been designed for almost 500 guests from all over the country.

This will be a very special event not only because of its scale but first and foremost due to its exceptional subject matter. The Conference organisers – the Regional Superintendent Office in Kielce and the Grupa Edukacyjna S.A. from Kielce have derived their inspiration from the year of Koraczak celebrated in 2011; they find it as a great chance to reflect upon present day school didactics and to confront it with the timeless pedagogical achievements and values which are also vital for the 21 century school.

Thus the conference will be held on 30th March 2012 from 9.30 to 13.45 in the CK1-CK2 rooms of Targi Kielce Conference Centre. Invitations have been sent to school and kindergarten headmasters, representatives of superintendents’ offices and regional governments. It has been confirmed the presentations will be delivered by children rights specialists, pedagogues and experience teachers who find the values important for young person’s education an upbringing process. The most interesting lectures: The child’s right for respect – delivered by Marek Michalak – the Ombudsman for Children; The world of values culture is based upon. The difficulty in conversion of abstract notions into practice – by Adam Nocuń; and From values to education and upbringing – present day teachers’ dilemmas and pursues – by Anna Stalmach-Tkacz and Karina Mucha. The conference will be of exceptional character owing to the discussion panel with a witty title – A word is a quite good toy; the panel’s guests and main characters are Michał Rusinek the secretary of Polish Noble prize winner Wisława Szymborska, and Marek Mikos; a teacher and the founder of Miasto Słowa (The City of Words).

During the Conference and the EDUKACJA trade fair the Grupa Edukacyjna S.A. exhibition stands will be the showcase for most interesting multimedia works which have been submitted for the “what is most important for me? Janusz Korczak’s values in the 21 century school” contest.

The Conference and the contest have been granted with the honorary patronage of the Minister of National Education and the Ombudsman for Children, Marek Michalak. This is one of the chain of national-scale events held within the framework of Janusz Korczak year.