
“Literature Magazine KSIĄŻKI” (Books) has commended the authors of the most valuable educational undertakings

20 march 2012
Filippo Buonaccorsi "Callimachus" accolades to be presented at the EDUKACJA trade fair


For the forth time the editorial office of “Literature Magazine KSIĄŻKI” has announced its Fillipo Callimachus Awards in recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of education. The accolades go into the hands of: Maria Pąchalska, Wiesława Surdyk-Fertsch, Bogusław Śliwerski, Anna Warchoł; the indicators of the DeDOMO educational initiative and the creators of the WSiPnet.pl web-service. Here are the laureates’ personal profiles.

The Award objective is to distinguish the people who have marked their special place in Polish education. The Award patron is an Italian humanist and writer who lived 1437-1496. For years in Poland he has been recognised as the symbol of the supreme education and upbringing traditions.

The Award presentation ceremony will take place during the 17th Education Fair EDUKACJA on 29th March at 19.00 in Kielce, the City Core Business Centre 34 Solidarności Avenue.

Laureates’ profiles:

Maria Pąchalska
The Head of the Neuropsychology Chair at Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, a distinguished specialist in neurophysiology, clinical psychology and neuro -speech therapy, the consultant of Center for Cognition and Communication, New York, N.Y., the founder and the president of Polish Neuropsychological Society (since 1992), the founder and the deputy-president of Polish Neurolinguitic Society (since 1994), the founder and the president of the Foundation for People with Brain Disorders (since 1994), the editor in chief of the “Acta Neuropsychologica” quarterly. The author of over 120 works on neuropsychology, of eight books and handbooks including “Aphasiology” (Polish Scientific Publishers PWN), “Neuropsychological Rehabilitaion” (UMSC publishing house) and the two-volume handbook “Clinical neuropsychology: Brain traumas” (Polish Scientific Publishers PWN) for which Pchalska has been presented with the accolade of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding didactic achievements. “She is truly dedicated to my students, PhD students and habilitation PhD researchers. She has substantially contributed to the scientific development of her students” – these warm words are addressed by Professor Marta Bogdanowicz PhD Habilitatus, the last year’s laureate of Callimachus’ Award.

Wiesława Surdyk-Fertsch
Holds the position of methodology advisor in the In-Service Teacher Training Centre in Poznań. She is also the author of such text-books as “History. Good morning history” (Nowa Era), “We and History. History and Society” (WSZ PWN) and the co-author and supporter of the regional education programme which has become popular in many schools in Wielkopolska region. Surdyk-Fertsch also holds the position of the chairperson of the Education, Culture and Sport Commission in the Wielkopolska Association of Communes and Powiats; for 16 years she has been the manager of one of the most popular Wielkopolska’s contests – the Wielkopolska Knowledge Competition. It is her authority, knowledge and expertise that supports the National Civic Knowledge Contest DEMOKRATUS which has been drawn up by the Creativity School affiliated to the Efka publishing house in Piła. Felicja Kalinowska, the laureate of the last year’s contest reports when asked by our publishing house: “Wiesława, above her involvement in the whole array of activities and interests, is a wonderful person. She is a true authority for her students as well as her friends; I have the honour of being one of them”.

Bogusław Śliwerski
The investigator of pedagogical ideas, upbringing and education theories, education policies and alternative education in different countries of the world. He holds the position of the professor at the Chair of Pedagogic Fundamentals at the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw and at the Chair of Pedagogy at the Academy of Christian Theology in Warsaw. The Chairman of the Pedagogical Sciences Committee at Polish Academy of Sciences; he has been decorated with “The Cross of Merit for ZHP”. Recently he has published the following books: “Clinics of academic pedagogy” (Impuls), “Basic norms in pedagogy” (Impuls), “Think like a pedagogue” (GWP), “Pedagogy. Sub-disciplines and the areas of upbringing. A university handbook, vol. 4” (ed. GWP), “Theoretical and empirical basis for self-upbringing and education” (Impuls), “Ideas of present day pedagogy. Meaning. Classification. Research.” (Impuls), “Problems of contemporary pedagogy. A decomposition of educational policy in 3rd Republic of Poland” (WAiP); “Pedagogue in the sphere of blogs: 2008-2009” (Impuls) and “Scouts’ vow. History. Methodology. Manipulations” (Impuls). His personal blog is available at www.sliwerski-pedagog.blogspot.com

Anna Warchoł
graduated from the Department of Chemistry at the Jagiellonian University with the specialisation of chemistry didactics. Warchoł was working for 15 years at the Chemistry Didactics Unit of UJ and at the same time she combined her university involvement with the job of a teacher at all levels of education. Her 18-year work experience at school bore the fruit – many of her pupils have been the laureates and finalists of chemistry knowledge contests. In the years 2002 – 2006 Warchoł was one of the organisers of the Małopolskie Chemistry Contest dedicated for pre-high school pupils; she was also the chair person of three editions. Since 2008 she has held the position of the editor and chemistry publications coordinator in ZamKor publishing house. She is also the author of “The World of Chemistry” package dedicated for pre high and high school students in addition to being the author and co-author many educational games, numerous articles, manuals, handbooks and films which feature chemical experiments. She has also been the initiator for many publications on chemistry. Warchoł chairs teacher-training conferences devoted to the methods and ways of the new core curriculum implementation. She offers her expertise, professional knowledge and experience providing other teachers with tips how to shape pupils’ skills and abilities. She is also the initiator of whole array of teacher-support campaigns designed to assist teachers in their work to make pupils ready for external examinations. In summer she runs the Summer Chemistry School addressed at the teachers; they come from all over Poland on order to develop their teaching skills and exchange experiences.

The creators of the DeDOMO educational initiative
DeDOMO is an innovative method for English teaching at home; it has been designed for parents who want to become an active part of their children language education without assuming the role of a teacher, which is artificial for a mother or a father. This method bets on spontaneity. The “English for parents” series is also based on the method; it is composed of the following packages: “English for a preschooler’s parents”, “English for a school pupil’s parents”, “English for a teenager’s parents”, and “English for parents. Holiday time”. The method creators are: Grzegorz Śpiewak PhD – an English teachers and methodology advisor as well as the consultant of academic projects and the hear ELT methodology consultant for Macmillan Polska; and Marek Jannasz; the editor of educational publications, graduate of American studies department and a Fulbright scholar, the author and translator scientific and popular-science publications, the co-owner and the chief editing director for the Lingo publishing house, the author of the “English for parents” concept..

The creators of the WSiPnet.pl project
WSiPnet.pl is the educational project which has been designed and created by Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne. The project objective is to facilitate the learning and teaching process in the age of digital education. WSiPnet.pl was launched in August 2011 offering pre-high school materials, materials for other school levels are to be available by August 2012. The project is composed of two versions, one for the teacher and the other for the pupil; it also allows for the teacher-class communication. Additional materials are available for teachers in order to support their work with pupils. WSiPnet.pl is also the tool which makes it possible to perform the teacher’s work self-assessment based on pupils’ progress and knowledge acquisition evaluation. This educational service is the fruit of six people’s cooperation: Olgierd Buchocki, the Director of Business Development and Production Department at WSiP, Anna Dubiecka, the 2011 laureate of Callimachus’ Award who is also the Director for Diagnosis at WSiP, Wojciech Jędrychowskio, the director for new media development in the New Media Department and IT WSiP, Renata Łapińska, the director fo publishing at WSiP and Ewa Rucińska, digital projects manager in the Development Department of WSiP.

The Award has already been presented to: Marta Bogdanowicz, Zofia Dobkowska, Anna Dubiecka, Felicja Kalinowska, Feliks Szlajfer, Joanna Białobrzeska, Małgorzata Dobrowolska, Zofia Agnieszka Kłakówna, Waldemar Lewiński, Maria Nagajowa, Krzysztof Pazdro, Andrzej Pieniak, Barbara Sagnowska, Anna Sikorzyńska, the “Joyful School” series creators, the author of the original curriculum “Meetings with science”, the creators of “Our kindergarten” programme and the original curriculum for German language teaching for the 4 – 6 grades of a primary school which continues in the 1-3 pre-high school grades “Der Die Das Neu”.

Piotr Dobrołęcki, Editor in chief of „Magazynu Literackiego KSIĄŻKI”
Tel. +48 602 715 579, e-mail: dobrolec@warman.com.pl
Ewa Tenderenda-Ożóg, deputy Editor in chief
Tel. +48 606 118 617, ewa@rynek-ksiazki.pl
