
Love carved into the shape of beauty

18 june 2012
Through art the SacroExpo brings people closer to God – the gala opening of the exhibition

His Eminency Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz PhD welcomed the guests

The SacroExpo guests were welcomed by the Zespół Józefowe Kwiatki (St. Joseph’s Flowers), the music band from Saint Joseph the Worker Parish in Kielce; the children sang “Pioseneczka” (A Little Song) and “OEO kto Bogu zaufa” (Who Trusts God). Father Piotr Klimczyk is in charge of the music ensemble which has represented the parish at numerous religious song contests and festivals.

The distinguished guests added splendour to the exhibition opening ceremony – His Eminence Kazimierz Nycz PhD, His Eminence Father Professor Bishop Kazimierz Ryczan, the President of the Per Artem at Deum Medal Chapter His Eminence Bishop Marian Florczyk, Mr Wojciech Lubawski- the Mayor of Kielce, the deputy Marshal of Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship Mr Grzegorz Świercz GP as well as the representatives of church milieus, the world of science, culture, exhibitors and the participants of conferences which accompany the trade fairs..

The events like the Kielce’s exhibition are the meeting places for the sacrum, here the Church meets arts and culture as well as artists. This combination gives us a positive outlook for the future – said His Eminence Kazimierz Nycz PhD in his welcome speech addressed to the guests at the exhibition opening ceremony – This reminds of the words the blessed John Paul’s II said in the Holy Cross Church in Warsaw 25 years ago. We must remember that the Pope had always attributed a great importance to his meetings with the representatives of the world of arts and culture since he belonged to this milieu himself. The day before we regained our freedom, in the moment of pivotal importance the Holy Father quoted Norwid’s question: “What is beauty?” – Beauty has been carved out of love. Beauty is here to make you enchanted, to stimulate for work. And work is here for your resurrection. There is an intense discussion on how to protect the Church, the church interiors and settings, and different dimensions of Church activity against kitsch. Norwid’s words provide the answer. This is the right aspect of the way: ”Per artem ad Deum – through Arts to God”. May this fair help you serve the notion of beauty as the shape of love demonstrated in architecture and sacral arts”.

His Eminence Bishop Marian Florczyk officially announced the names of this year’s laureates of the Pontifical Council for Culture Medal “Per Artem ad Deum”. Kielce’s church exhibition has been selected by the Pontifical Council for Culture as the only place in the world where the Per Artem ad Deum Medal is presented. This year the Medal Chapter has resolved to have the European-scale of the competition; two laureates have been selected from the group of fifteen candidates. The Medal will be presented to the Polish and foreign representatives of the world of music.

This year’s Per Artem ad Deum Medal is presented to Professor Stefan Stuligrosz; the founder of the Poznan Nightingales Choir and to the genius film music composer Ennio Morricone. We were truly sorry to receive the information about Professor Stuligrosz’s death; thus the Pontificial Medal will be presented posthumously. The ceremony will take place on 29th September. The presentation ceremony will be accompanied by the concert featuring the Poznan Nightingales Choir and Ennio Morricone. The President of the Pontifical Council for Culture His Eminency Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi will present the accolades himself.

The opening ceremony also encompassed the presentation of the Honorary Prize of His Eminence Bishop of Kielce, the Honorary Prize of His Eminence - Senior Primate Fr Józef Cardinal Glemp and the Honorary Medal of His Eminence Primate of Poland Archbishop Józef Kowalczyk. The names of all the medal and distinction winners of the SacroExpo trade fair in the best product as well as the best exhibition presentation categories were also presented.