
Made in China – INTERIOR

15 september 2012
SPA-fitted swimming pool for 122 thousand PLN

An acrylic SPA-fitted swimming pool to accommodate six people made by Chinese JNJ Spas

An acrylic SPA-fitted swimming pool to accommodate six people made by Chinese JNJ Spas. In addition to the huge swimming pool equipped with 32” TV display there is much more to see on display in Targi Kielce trade fair and exhibition centre. There are heated toilet seats which produce melodies, natural stone with corrected colours are presented as a part of the autumn residential building materials. Chinese producers display market novelties in Poland’s market.

Interior Made in China is the exhibition debut of in Targi Kielce. The exhibition is the showcase for household goods, interior fittings and furniture, electric appliances, tools, lighting, kitchen and bathroom fittings and equipment. The exhibition is complemented with a very interesting presentation of Polish-Chinese Chamber of Commerce focusing on Polish conditions for Chinese investments. INTERIOR MADE IN CHINA is much more than the exhibition; the event creates a perfect chance for entering long lasting business relations and enhancement of Polish – Chinese cooperation. The exhibition is admission free; and on the last day the products displayed here can be purchased at very affordable prices by individual trade fair visitors;
