Massimo Margaglione został prezesem największego włoskiego stowarzyszenia branży maszyn do przetwórstwa tworzyw sztucznych i gumy.

Massimo Margaglione appointed the new President of the Italian Amaplast. Congratulations!

04 july 2023
The Association represents about 170 largest Italian companies operating in the sector of machines for plastics and rubber processing, auxiliary equipment and molds. The Association’s former vice president, Massimo Margaglione, has been elected the head. This Italy’s most prominent and one of Europe’s most significant industry organizations has been present at the Plastpol Expo in Kielce for many years

The new President was elected during the annual Amaplast Members Meeting for a two-year term of office, i.e. 2023-2025. Massimo Margaglione has been vice president for the last four years, now he has taken the position over from Daria Previero.


Two vice-presidents were also elected:  Gabriel Caccia and Barbara Ulcelli. The elections took place on Wednesday 28 June at the Cà del Bosco vineyard in Erbusco (Brescia).


We would like to thank the outgoing President for the collaboration so far, and we congratulate the new Head of Amaplast and wish him all possible achievements. 

More about the Italian plastics processing industry and the goals and objectives for Massimo Margaglione and the Association - read the article on the AMAPLAST website. 



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