Za nami 3. dzień MSPO.

MSPO Day 3 – important visits, premieres and awards

05 september 2024
Premiere presentation of the integrated eyewear system with a combat helmet, the ceremony of prestigious "Proud Veteran" award, visit of Tomasz Siemoniak and many business meetings. This is the third day of 32 International Defence Industry Exhibition in Targi Kielce witnessed the official signing ceremony

On the third day of MSPO, the Polish Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, Tomasz Siemoniak, visited the Kielce exhibition and congress centre.  Together with the President of the Management Board of Targi Kielce, Doctor  Andrzej Mochoń and Agnieszka Białek, the MSPO project director, the Minister visited the exhibition. He also held many strategic conversations.

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Tomasz Siemoniak Minister of the Interior and Administration with the Targi Kielce President Doctor  Andrzej Mochoń and Agnieszka Białek, project director at the 32nd  MSPO.

 Proud Veteran

The Proud Veteran statuette was presented to the representative of ROSOMAK SA by the Director of the Department of Social Affairs, Krzysztof Kosiński.

The Proud Veteran marked its place in Kielce in 2013 for the first time, since then the event has become a permanent fixture in the Kielce exhibition and congress centre’s calendar.  The statuette symbolizes a veteran soldier who, despite wounds is proud to offer their services.  Retired colonel Grzegorz Wajda is the author of the award.

Members of the Association of Injured and Victims on Missions Outside the Country award the Proud Veteran Statuette distinction.   The award is granted to companies and institutions which support veteran soldiers injured in foreign missions. This support can come in various types and forms: financial, in-kind, project-based, and logistical.

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The Proud Veteran statuette was presented to the representative of ROSOMAK SA  

A global premiere

Sunway Network, a pioneer in integrating advanced technologies for the defence sector, invites you to its premiere presentation featuring the latest solution – the integrated Sunway Vision glasses system with a combat helmet.

Sunway Network SA has provided innovative technological solutions that redefine the future of military and security operations for years.  The current flagship product - the Sunway Shot laser shooting trainer - is already offered on the Polish market and receives excellent feedback from customers.

The premiere product, Sunway Vision glasses, integrated with a combat helmet, combine advanced display technologies, image recording and artificial intelligence.  The system ensures full mobility, precision and reliability in all terrain conditions for the army, special services, territorial defence forces and others.

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Presentation of a new product from Sunway Network SA  

The trade show continue until 6 September 2024.  The MSPO Open Day - 7 September  2024.