
National Head Teachers' Forum

15 march 2011
Between tradition and modernity

Last year’s forum generated a considerable interest of the pedagogues from all over Poland

This year’s forum is held under the banner of “From the chalk blackboard towards the interactive board i.e. Polish school between traditions and modernity”.

Almost 500 participants declared that they will attend in the meeting. They represent the managerial staff of Polish schools. The forum will also be attended by the study tour participants – the representatives of educational institutions from the EU Member States who have been invited by Świętokrzyskie Superintendent’s Office.

The forum is organised in the framework of 16th Education Fair EDUKACJA held in Targi Kielce. The forum will discuss the following problems:
  • 16 March – “Evolution or revolution? The direction of changes in Polish school”
  • 17 March, the forum splits into thematic blocks: Management, education and upbringing, vocational training, ethical and legal issues, school for young scientists.
  • 18 March „ Polish school between traditions and modernity – the quest of the golden mean”