
New Infrastructure Expo: Autostrada features new technologies and knowledge reign supreme
The costs of maintaining street lighting are an increasing burden for many municipalities, especially in the context of continuous increases in energy prices; therefore, even more local authorities consider the possibility of replacing energy-intensive lighting systems with more economical solutions. The discussion on the first day of the Infrastructure Construction Expo resulted in many ideas and practical tips for effective management of public lighting.
The scientific and technical conference on "Prospects for the development of the road network in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship" organised by the Kielce branch of the Association on of Transport Technicians and Engineers of the Republic of Poland, experts discussed recycling of MC mixtures:
– We try to use materials that we re-use, limit the use of new materials, reduce energy consumption, and increase environmental protection, i.e. the emission of harmful compounds. What does the mixture in recycling technology with foamed asphalt consist of? First of all, the material we process, i.e. recycled aggregate, recycled concrete and granulating material - said Doctor Engineer Krzysztof Maciejewski from the Kielce University of Technology.
The next point of the Kielce road construction expo’s agenda was the conference on "Improving the energy efficiency of pneumatic and hydraulic systems" organised by experts from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
Lawyers of the JDP Law Firm – legal advisor Maciej Grzybowski and legal advisor Mateusz Biciutk jon the Expo to give two lectures on the legal aspects of conducting construction investments. The presentation discussed changes in remuneration during the term of the contract, additional work, indexation and indirect costs:
– Costs are often ignored by general contractors in public procurement or other construction works contracts. Generally, contractors, when annexing the main contract protect their interests and protect themselves against contractual penalties. However they very often forget that implementing the investment over a longer period of time actually involves incurring additional costs - emphasised one of the speakers.
On 11 April - the second day of the Autostrada Expo included the abudance of knowledge-packed meetings. Each exhibition visitor is offered the opportunity to participate in two meetings:
11:00 - 12:00 Stage, Hall E "Change in remuneration while this agreemenr is in effect. Extra works. Orders alterations. Valorisation Indirect Costs. How to avoid being in the red.” JDP Drapała & Partners. .
12.00 – 14.00 Expo Hall E - the Stage. Debate on "Optimized construction. How to ensure the construction site safety? Organiser: Anna Krawczyk - Transformation Academy
The Autostrada New Infrastructure Expo - 10 and 11 April 2024!