The cooperation agreement was signed in Kielce by the Arndt Mediendienste owner - Uwe Arndt

New year brings new cooperation

14 january 2014
Arndt Mediendienste in Targi Kielce
The beginning of the new year marks the Targi Kielce’s enhanced activity in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. This happens owing to the new contract signed between Targi Kielce and Arndt Mediendienste. From January onwards the company of Darmstadt will be the Targi Kielce’s official partner and representative in these regions.

German specialists will thus deal in marketing and promotion of particular trade fair events held in the Kielce Exhibition and Congress Centre. Targi Kielce has its representatives in, among other countries, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, France, India, Turkey, Russia, United Stated of America and Great Britain.