This weekend, only in Targi Kielce you can see reenactment groups from all over Poland and historical periods

Not only for history aficionados

12 june 2014
Poland's first Historical Reenactment has attracted crowds of visitors. The even programme encompasses enactments and IPN's game tournament

Targi Kielce in conjunction with the Historical Reenactment Association of the 4TH Infantry Regiment have prepared an attraction galore history enthusiasts can enjoy on 29th and 30th March. The event encompasses exhibition of reenactment groups, offer of companies which provide services for such groups as well as the conference on: "Reanimated History – historical, legal and technical aspects of historical reenactment". Reenactment groups which operate within the perimeter of the former Second Polish Republic are taking part in the 2014 COP Laurel Contest - the event with an explicit reference to the Central Industrial Region; the venue where numerous military sector companies have operated.

The inter-war period's WZ 36P field kitchen replica is one of the many exhibits displayed at the event. Over a dozen of institutions, including the Museum of the Polish Army, Muzeum Oręża Polskiego (the Museum of Polish Arms) the Polish Land Forces Museum, Muzeum Orła Białego (the White Eagle Museum) have joined the expo in order to display reenactmet- related exhibitions, presentations and experiences.

Visitors are in for the greatest attraction - the Sunday's enactment of of the second Westerplatte attack repel. The performance will be put up by a few dozens of people from historical re-enactment groups from all over Poland, including those who have recreated the Westerplatte transit post and depot.

The Kielce IPN division has designed a board-game tournament. Enter the Kolejka [the Queue], 303, Znaj Znak [Know the Symbol] and Pamięć’39 [39 Remembrance] competition. Tournament applications can be submitted at the IPN exhibition stand in the G hall.