
”On the Wings” and “FOTO/SPORT 2012”

13 july 2012
Take part in the contests which can win you attractive prizes



If you are an aficionado of aeroplanes and photography this is the competition for you – send us your photos and join the National Photography Contest “On the Wings” which accompanies the Fair of Photographic Equipment and Media Technology FOTO MEDIA. Photographs may present various flying machines, air-sports as well as aviation-associated people. The competition organisers have very attractive in-kind prozes on offer.


If you are for SPORT as the object of a photograph, the competition organised within the framework of the FOTO MEDIA is a must-be event for you; just send in your works presenting different sport disciplines. The contest is sponsored by the Kielce’s Sony Centre, take up the challenge and win yourself the main prize – Sony 57 camera.

The deadline for work submission in both contests is 20th October 2012. The finals will take place during the FOTO MEDIA trade fair; the exhibition is held in Targi Kielce from 16th to 18th November 2012.

Information available at konkurs.fotomedia@targikielce.pl