18 june 2024
Representatives of Dino Polska, Lewiatan, Vollmart, Społem – COOP, and Eurocash announce their participation in the Private Label Expo on 6 and 7 November in Targi Kielce
17 june 2024
22 and 23 September is when Targi Kielce will host the International Congress of Accounting Offices, one of Poland's most important events in the accounting and financial industry. We are happy to announce that Dziennik Gazeta Prawna has granted its patronage to the Congress, which proves the importance and rank of this event
14 june 2024
- Owing to the Mayor of Kielce, Agata Wojda's quick decision, we have a chance to complete the construction of a new expo hall before the MSPO in 2026 - said Andrzej Mochoń, president of the management board of Targi Kielce, during a press conference at the Kielce exhibition and congress centre on Friday
12 june 2024
On the third day of the Sacroexpo, we witnessed the gala ceremony, where prestigious expo awards, honorary medals, and Top Design awards were presented. The meeting was packed with excitement, joy and appreciation for those who make a unique contribution to the development of the sacred industry
12 june 2024
The Kielce exhibition and congress centre has entered a new stage of international cooperation; the Taiwan Expo 2024 Germany witnessed the latest unveiling of the cooperation scheme on 10 June. The event was held for the first time in Europe by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), which is considered one of the main drivers of Taiwan's international trade. Targi Kielce is Poland’s only Polish centre that signed the collaboration agreement with TAITRA
11 june 2024
Podczas 25. Międzynarodowej Wystawa Budownictwa i Wyposażenia Kościołów, Sztuki Sakralnej i Dewocjonaliów, artysta i plastyk, urodzony w Białymstoku, podzielił się z gośćmi wydarzenia historią o początkach swojej twórczości. Podczas autorskiego opowiedział także o swoich dokonaniach artystycznych oraz o tym, jak wygląda jego warsztat, oraz skąd czerpie inspiracje
11 june 2024
This year's Sacroexpo abounds in many meetings with the authors of books and publications. One of such meetings is a unique conversation with Father Witold Kawecki, author of the book "Travels through Italy with Artemizja Gentileschi"; more than a guide book to the picturesque corners of Italy, but also a story about the life and work of one of the most significant but unknown Baroque artists
11 june 2024
This unique meeting of the religious industry is an opportunity to learn about the latest trends, technologies and the Church related creativity and broadly defined religious and spiritual culture. The second expo day is paced with interesting events and meetings that will attract the attention of both consecrated persons and everyone interested in religious and spiritual themes. The expo admission - free, registration is mandatory