25 april 2012
A pit stop on the AUTOSTRADA-POLSKA competition route
24 april 2012
The pre-final press conference also related to the November’s “Safe Stadium” Conference held in Kielce’s exhibition centre
21 april 2012
Weekend with the DOM trade fair
21 april 2012
Join the AGROTRAVEL with its passion for singing!
21 april 2012
The young architect and green area designer competition
21 april 2012
The Gala ceremony and the presentation of Targi Kielce medals and distinctions and the Gold Cranes
21 april 2012
All aficionados of motor cross acrobatics should be here to see the freestyle show of Poland’s best riders
21 april 2012
Targi Kielce graciously invite for Ryszard Feliks Styła’s jubilee concert “The guitar painted world / the four decades”