27 september 2011
Ambassador’s unofficial visit to Kielce and a series of meetings with the representatives of local governments
27 september 2011
The METAL fair complemented with exceptionally large number of conferences and business-line meetings
27 september 2011
Inauguration of Youth Entrepreneurship Incubator
27 september 2011
Jazz “crime and punishment” that is … the stairs of Kielce Culture Centre are still comfortable…
26 september 2011
For the fist tine in 17 years of METAL fair history there will be a live presentation of a casting machine in operation
23 september 2011
III Place Branding Gallery – exceptional meeting to held in Kielce in October
23 september 2011
Targi Kielce is the venue of the conference “Polish Presidency in European Union: Kielce and the Twin Towns"
23 september 2011
The finale of Poland’s biggest and oldest bicycle marathon cycle will be the part of the KIELCE BIKE-EXPO fair