08 december 2010
The huge Targi Kielce poster is a phenomenon on the national scale
08 december 2010
2 thousands of crowned pigeons, marvellous spatuletails, show kings, rock doves and carrier pigeons
08 december 2010
Negotiations with the African company Riham lasted a year and a half
02 december 2010
It is more than a year since Kielce became the seat of a honorary consulate, with president of the management board of Targi Kielce, Andrzej Mochoń, having been appointed Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany
26 november 2010
The groundbreaking ceremony marking the beginning of a PLN 61 million project will take place in mid-December
26 november 2010
The queue seemed to be endless. The children spent around half an hour standing in it, as they wanted to obtain an autograph of 'Diablo' Włodarczyk, who was a guest of the fourth Safety Competition
26 november 2010
A new TVN Turbo programme has been made on location at the Kielce exhibition centre