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13 june 2014
HYDRO ZNPHS novelties put on display at the AUTOSTRADA-POLSKA

There is a whole array of novelties HYDRO ZNPHS puts on display at the 20th International Fair of Road Construction Industry AUTOSTRADA-POLSKA; these include quick release couplings, hydraulic motors, and filters. The first category includes push-to-connect, butterfly and stop fast couplers which can be used for a whole range of applications range from brake systems through dump-truck mechanisms. The factory's expo stand will also be the display for hydraulic motors and among them MAMM 20 C or MARF 160 CD. The exhibition will also include cutting-edge filters. The FMP 039 Model provides for mechanical robustness and better surface finish. MPT 027 is characterised with the double air-filter throughput in addition to the fact that it can be mounted vertically. A presentation of oil purity class analyser will be a true hit of the display; not only does it measure oil state but it also displays information on water content and oil temperature.

HYDRO ZNPHS LLC was founded in 1988 in Bielsko-Biała; the company's main focus is trading and production of power hydraulics elements. The company's rich and diversified offer makes it possible to get hold of the whole package of hydraulic fitments and appliances you need.