Patryk Mikiciuk, a famous automotive journalist, enchanted with cars put on a show at the DUB IT Expo!
As soon as Patryk Mikiciuk appeared on the stage in the E expo hall of Targi Kielce, a large group of spectators immediately gathered around. He talked about automotive gems and novelties with his passion and a huge resource of knowledge. He also shared his experiences regarding the purchase of a Bentley, one of the 17 which have been produced. He talked about his Polish Porsche, classic and modern motoring, and his love for cars.
- Over the years, car expectations have changed; once you used to own a Polonez, heavily exploited. Its advantage was that it was easy to repair. The disadvantage was that it had to be repaired frequently. Today we require a car to travel 150,000 or even 200,000 kilometres without the slightest fault - said Patryk Mikiciuk.
He admitted that he visited the exhibition with great interest. - I am enchanted by the cars I saw at DUB IT! And with bespoke modifications - he noted.
On the occasion of Targi Kielce's visit to the DUB IT! he met numerous fans. It is worth noting that Patryk Mikiciuk is the host of one of the most popular name-signature YouTube channels. He answered all, even the most surprising questions.