Od nowego roku Polacy będą segregować tekstylia.

Poles are obliged to sort textiles starting next year

15 july 2024
2025 will bring many changes regarding waste collection and segregation. In addition to the deposit system coming into force, general segregation rules will apply to a new type of waste. Clothes and textiles will be segregated into a new waste fraction

The average EU citizen adds nearly 26 kg of new clothes to their wardrobe every year! However, they throw away almost half of it, about 11 kilograms of clothes*. The Agronomist website reports that fabrics constitute approximately 8-9% of all waste in European households. According to the World Bank, as much as 87% fabrics from used clothing are incinerated or landfilled.

A light of hope for Europe

Textile industry is perceived as one of the most serious threats to the environment;  textile plants use more water than the entire food sector. The textile industry also emits more greenhouse gases than all international flights and maritime transport put together. Vast amounts of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides end up in water and soil. The year 2025 is expected to improve this situation slightly.

Textile recycling in Poland - already in 2025

In accordance with the EU Directive 2018/81 requirements -  new regulations on the collection and processing of used textiles will come into force in Poland. Municipalities will be obliged to accept used materials, forcing them to expand the PSZOK system or introduce alternative solutions.

All about textile recycling discussed at My TexStyle

Various fabrics, innovative machines, laboratory equipment, recycled materials, and numerous workshops and lectures with experts are available in one-stop-shop mode! My TexStyle - the International Expo of Textile Machines, Materials and Accessories is held from 7 to 9 May 2024 in Kielce exhibition and congress centre. The exhibition offers visitors the opportunity to visit eight thematic zones devoted to machines, accessories, fabrics and chemicals. One of them is the Recycling Zone, where companies specializing in sustainable clothing production and materials reuse present their technologies and advanced machines.

Exhibit with us at My TexStyle Expo: 

*The European Commission Data.


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