
Polish Cup – tenth time in a roll!

15 april 2013
Vive Targi Kielce winning over Orlen Wisła Płock 28:27

Polish Cup number ten goes to Kielce again

The match was truly dramatic; the handball team of Vive Targi Kielce defeated Orlen Wisłę Płock 28:27 at the match in Legionowo and scored the Polish Cup. This way the Kielce team has matched the Płock team’s both records, i.e. the have received the trophy for the fifth time in a roll and for the tenth time in the club’s history. Uros Zorman of Vive Targi Kielce was pronounced the best tournament player.

The first part of the match was marked with fierce competition. Both teams made quite a few technical errors; however the Kielce team appeared to be more effective as it had always been one or two goals ahead of the Płock team. As far as the attack is concerned Michał Jurecki is to be acclaimed. Sławomir Szmal; the goal keeper was just amazing, he was able to keep lots of the rivals’ shots.

This is what the Echo Dnia Daily journalist heard just after the match:

Bogdan Wenta, Vive Targi Kielce coach: - in the first half it was the Płock’s goalkeeper Marin Sego who safeguarded the score. We were able to have lots of clean-shot situations, though we were rarely able to round them off with a goal. We were short on efficiency, especially on the sides. Had we been more consequent at the beginning of the second half and banked on the fact that we were six goals ahead of the rival, we would have done our job faster.

Adam Wiśniewski, Orlen Wisła Płock: - Starting from the second half onwards, Vive was ramming us with their defence line. And we made a lot of mistakes like empty shots; the were able to be six goals ahead. Then our defence proved to be successful; it was 5-1 and at some point we were at the verge of a draw. Though Ivan Cupić was smart enough to grab my t-shirt and fall over; the referees were taken in and I was out of the field for two minutes. 1:0 for him. The match did non miss on excitement; the fierce competition showed that play off finals can be really sensational.

Michał Jurecki, Vive Targi Kielce: - This match was by no means easy for us; we are the only ones to blame. We should have been able to tackle the new defence line Płock introduced. However, though we were a distinct leader, we had our heads in the sjy thinking more of the promotion to the Champions League Final Four.