
Polish premiere at the KIDS’ TIME

03 march 2013
Dance show presentation of the new generation strollers in Targi Kielce

The MICRALITE Company made an extraordinary product presentation

The British brand of MICRALITE strollers has already won the hearts of users in the United Stated and Japan. Now it is time to take Poland by storm; the excellent strollers have been available into the Polish market just for a few weeks now. However the official product launch into the Polish market was held at the KIDS’ TIME. The presentation, owing to its extraordinary form attracted the trade fair visitors’ attention. The push chairs were presented as special feature of a … dance show.

What features set MICRALITE strollers apart from all other push chairs? Light weight and maximum comfort, one-handed one piece fold are the distinctive features. Not only are they multi-functional; they can also be combined with a carry-cot and a car seat. What is more – the 6-kilo strollers with pneumatic rear wheels are the lightest push-chairs available on the market. Users will be amazed with the option the Twofold is to offer. It takes a few seconds to convert standard one-baby seat to a double –seat with a shopping-bag compartment.