
Professor Krzysztof Rybiński in Targi Kielce

21 february 2012
The acclaimed Polish economist will open the Business Education Development forum during the Work Career Development trade fair

Professor  Krzysztof Rybiński

The 1st Business Education Development Forum is as a part of the 6th National Work Career Development trade fair; the event targeted at students, university research fellows and entrepreneurs will be held on 5th March in targi Kielce.

The session’s integral part is a public debate held under the banner of “How to study effectively enough to find a good job” which will be preceded by an introductory speech delivered by Professor Krzysztof Rybiński – a renown economist and the rector of the Vistula University. The debate will bring together representatives of business, Swietokrzyskie higher education institutions and students. The discussion has been designed to draw attention to possible forms and areas of cooperation between academic circles and business whose objective is better preparation of university graduates who enter the employment market.

5 March 2012, Targi Kielce, CK2 room, at 10.00

10.00 Forum Opening
10.15 Introduction to the debate
Professor Krzysztof Rybiński PhD Habilitatus - Rector of the Vistula University
Professor Rybiński is the graduate of Warsaw University. Doctor Habilitatus in economics. Professor Rybiński has held important positions in public and private sector both home and abroad; he was the deputy president of NBP (National bank of Poland), a member of Polish Financial Supervision Authority as well as of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council of EU and the World Bank Deputy Governor. Rybiński has been the head of economic departments of several banks, a partner of Ernst&Young, he is also a member of supervisory boards of financial sector companies. Rybiński has gained numerous accolades awarded by opinion-forming magazines in Poland and abroad; Professor Rybiński has published in, inter alia, Financial Times, The Economist and Wall Street Journal.
11.15 The debate “How to study effectively enough to find a good job” - representatives of the world of business, universities, student milieus
13.00 Debate end

Forum registration via Swietokrzyskie Innovativeness Portal www.spinno.pl

The Work Career Development Trade Fair for Higher Education Institution Students and Graduates is Poland’s most important event for the employment market and student communities. This is also one of these rare events which offer young and ambitious people a chance to find a satisfying job. For the sixth time the event is jointly organised by AIESEC Kielce Local Committee, Targi Kielce and Academic Careers Office of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Bureau of Innovativeness at Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship Marshal’s Office and the PROREW association.