
Regional Innovation Forum

07 september 2012
Join us at the Targi Kielce Conference Centre on 19th and 20th September

Regionalne Forum Innowacji

The forum will promote innovation as the development vehicle for Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship economy as well as a tool for business, scientific and self government milieus integration. This initiative will thus facilitate and animate joint efforts for innovativeness.

Innovativeness, complemented with creativity, is one of the key elements of present-day business. And this is why the conference will focus on:

I day of the Forum (19 September)
- Economic downturn and its influence on innovativeness,
- The roll of innovativeness as a part of Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship Strategy.

II day of the Forum (20 September)
- ICT in modern economy,
- Power of organisational and marketing innovations.

The Regional Innovation Forum will also feature a special guest – Professor Alojzy Nowak PhD; the Dean of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw. Mr Nowak is one of Poland’s economists of 2011 according to the Bankowy Daily list.

The forum is organised by the Innovativeness Bureau of the Marshal’s Office which is responsible for the systemic project realisation “Circles of Innovation – the development of integrated tools for the Voivodeship’s innovativeness growth support in the areas of large growth potentials” within the framework of the PO KL 2007-2013, Priority VIII Regional Personnel for Economy, Measure8.2. knowledge transfer, sub measure 8.2.2 Regional innovativeness strategies.