
Reliable partner for international business

16 june 2011
Targi Kielce President of Board Andrzej Mochoń gains recognition for his promotion of Polish entrepreneurship

Targi Kielce President of Board Andrzej Mochoń  during the prestigious International Defence Industry Exhibition in  2009

Andrzej Mochoń, Targi Kielce President of Board has been awarded with tatuette in recognition of his involvement in finding the initiatives which positively impact Świętokrzyskie Region development as well as for practical implementation of the corporate responsibility policy. The President Mochoń’s influence on social, economic and cultural development of the local environment has also been appreciated.

The distinction “Reliable in Busieness” is awarded by Naczelna Rada Zrzeszeń Handlu i Usług (The General Council of Trade and Services Associations) and Mazowieckie Zrzeszenie Handlu, Przemysłu i Usług (Mazowsze Association of Trade, Industry and Services). The award is also granted to self-governments, companies and health-care institutions. The jury panel, in their assessments, closely examines the business reliability in relations with customers and employees, business ethics and the care about the quality of the services provided.

The idea of the Campaign is supported by; Marshal Offices and Voivodeship Offices from almost all Polish Voivodes (including Świętokrzyskie province), Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency, Mazowsze Association of Trade, Industry and Services, National Labour Inspectorate, Polsih Agency for Enterprise Development, Provincial Employment Office in Warsaw, Regional Chamber of Industry and Trade in Częstochowa.

The Gala Evening and the distinction presentation ceremony will be held in Gromada Hotel in Warsaw at 6.30 pm.