
Robots - Ready, steady, go!

14 march 2013
The EDUKACJA trade fair featuring the Innobus – demonstrations for those, who are curios about the world. Regardless the age

Science is fun! Join the INNOBUS demonstrations at the Targi Kielce

What makes a robot move and how does it know where exactly to go?

How can a robot help us in our everyday life? What are its secrets?

In order to find the answers to these and many more pertinent questions, come over and join the special presentations of robots’ abilities. The show is to be held in the C hall. INNOBUS will also be staging interesting examples of scientific experiments in chemistry and physics.

The “Magical mathematics and naturals sciences” workshops will be held in the G hall.

Both events will ba held on the first day of the EDUKACJA trade fair from 10:00 to 13:45.