Marek Bielski, wydawca Miesięcznika Rzeźnik Polski zaprasza do udziału w wydarzeniu „Okrągły stół branży mięsnej i handlu nowoczesnego”.

Round Table of the Meat Industry and Modern Trade within the scope of the Private Label Expo

10 september 2024
This key event for the future of the meat market will take place on 6 November 2024 at Targi Kielce. - Last year's event proved how valuable this meeting is - emphasizes Marek Bielski, publisher of the Rzeźnik Polski [Polish Butcher] monthly, which co-organizes it. You can already register to participate

This key event for the future of the meat market will take place on 6 November 2024 at Targi Kielce. - Last year's event proved how valuable this meeting is - emphasizes Marek Bielski, publisher of the Rzeźnik Polski [Polish Butcher] monthly, which co-organizes it. You can already register to participate.

The Round Table of the Meat Industry and Modern Trade is one of the events accompanying the Private Label Expo - on 6 November 2024. The monthly Rzeźnik Polski and the Association of Butchers and Meat Producers of the Republic of Poland are the event organisers.  The industry meeting, which will consist of lectures by outstanding experts and networking, will be held at Targi Kielce for the second time.

– A year ago we saw how representatives of the meat industry and trade sector need an event that facilitates the exchange of knowledge and integration. The contacts established at the event translate into effective business relations – emphasizes Marek Bielski. – The second event will certainly be equally fruitful and satisfying.

The organizers invite meat producers who are interested in expanding their sales network to include a modern channel to participate in the event.  - We will also be pleased to welcome people who already cooperate with the networks;  they will also find a lot of interesting and valuable content during this meeting. The co-organizer explained that the event would also be interesting for trade companies’ representatives who are interested in contacting representatives of meat processing plants.

All information about the Round Table of the Meat Industry and Modern Trade event and the registration form are available on the websi te

The agenda of the "Round Table of the Meat Industry and Modern Trade", 6 November 2024 at Targi Kielce   

from 9:00 a.m. CLOSED part - evaluation of products entered in the "Taste of Quality®" competition.

Time 12:00 Round Table of the Meat Industry and Modern Trade - commencement

12.00 – 12.05  Introduction, welcome of guests - Tomasz Parzybut, President of the Management Board of the Association of Butchers and Meat Producers of the Republic of Poland.

12.05 – 12.45 The RASFF system and its consequences. – Jacek Kucharski, food safety expert. Former Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer.

12.45 – 13.15 Branded private labels – do meat and meat-derivative producers have anything to worry about?  - Grzegorz Mech, Business Development Manager GfK Polonia.

13:15 – 13:45  How do IFS Standards help shape safety and quality in food production and supply chain? – Beata Studzińska-Marciniak, Global Product &Scheme Manager Food, TÜV Rheinland Polska LLC



14.15 – 14.45 The latest trends from the USA in butcher shop design, i.e  how to arrange retail space to increase sales? –  Marek Borowiński PhD. – Shop Doctor

14.45 – 15.00 Preparing the company and the offer for cooperation with retail chains – the example of ZM Smak Górno. – Urszula Miazga, Manager for Development at ZM Smak Górno.

15.00 – 15.30 Trends in packaged meat products and plant-based meat substitutes in retail. – Magdalena Wilgatek PhD., CMR LLC

15.30 – 16.00 3 ways to introduce products to retail chain shelves. – Tomasz Szacoń, Retailpoland Consulting.

16.00 – 17.30 EXPERT DEBATE, Moderator:  Andrzej Wojciechowicz.

Debate on  "Win-Win.  Is WinWin possible in the relationship between the manufacturer and the retail chain?" - representatives of the meat industry, trade representatives and companies/organizations related to these economic sectors attend the debate.

around 5.30pm  Gala – Awarding ceremony for the “Taste of Quality®” competition.

The Gala will be held at the Targi Kielce Congress Centre.

20.00  Gala Banquet at the BINKOWSKI Hotel****


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