
SACROEXPO CUP – without missing out on the action

20 june 2012
The first football tournament and the triumphant winner – Polish priests representation

The Targi Kielce player  Artur Buras scored two goals for the grey & blue team

The back-up football pitch of Korona Kielce in Sciegiennego street was the venue for the matches of three teams: the team of Swietokrzyskie region priests, the representation of exhibitors who have been brought together to take part in the International Exhibition of Church Construction, Church Fittings and Furnishings and Religious Art SACROEXPO, and the team which represents Targi Kielce staff. The air was buzzing with excitement.

The priests played versus the Targi Kielce team in the opening match of the tournament. Despite all the Targi Kielce’s players’ efforts and zeal, especially in the first part of the match, the white & red team won 5:0. However the trade fair team pulled off a victory in the match against the exhibitors’ team with the 3:1 score. Artur Buras (2) and Karol Dudzik scored goals for the team representing the third Central and Eastern Europe trade fair and exhibition centre.

The first tournament was crowned with the match of the priests versus the exhibitors. And again the clergy representatives clinched a crushing victory and routed the opponents with the 1:9 score and were declared the winners of the SACROEXPO CUP 2012. The team was presented with the Targi Kielce President’s Cup. The Targi Kielce team was the competition runner up, the exhibitors’ team was ranked third.