
Sagitta ITC will present composite bars at the Autostrada NEW INFRASTRUCTURE Expo
Sagi FGR-KT UNION composite rods are a pultrusion method manufactured, which involves pulling glass fibers through a device that saturates the fiber bundle with thermosetting resin, shapes the cross-section and hardens the binder. As the result a composite is produced. It consists of a very large number of parallel fibres embedded in a epoxy-resin-based polymer matrix. The highest quality glass fibres are used for the production of Saga FGR-KT UNION composite rods; 1 mm2 of the composite cross-section can include from several to several dozen thousand pieces.
FGR-KT UNION bars are used in transport sector for concrete elements reinforcement. They are instrumental if structural or climatic conditions prevent steel reinforcement from use.
The Autostrada New Infrastructure Expo - 10 and 11 April 2024!
Exhibit with us: