
Search for missing people

06 june 2013
EDURA programme encompasses the conference on the significant problem

EDURA trade fair’s programme encompasses the specialised conference on the difficult and important problem of missing people

According to the Police home and abroad, 17 thousand Polish citizens are reported missing. People go missing regardless their age, sex or social status; and there is a whole array of reasons, such as illnesses (both mental and physical), accidents, everyday problems. Such people also fall victims of crimes.

On annual basis, the Police are notified about 320 children below the age of six, about 800 children aged 7 – 13 as well as 5,340 children between the age of 14 and 17 go missing.

How to cope when we are to face such a difficult situation? Where to request help from? When to report a person missing?

OSP (Voluntary Fire Services) Niewachlów welcomes all the EDURA guest and visitors to the conference on “Search for missing people – today and tomorrow”. The event is to be held on 13th June from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Specialists will address the problem of missing people in Poland, present search methods and experience of the search teams.

The meeting brings together representatives of Warsaw’s Police Centre for Missing People, the Head of the Search and Identification Department at the Centre for Missing People ITAKA in addition to representatives of search groups.