
SHOWEXPO – workshops, tournaments, training sessions

03 november 2011
The 2nd International Fair of Dance and Events

The dance workshops held during the trade fair generate a considerable interest

SHOWEXPO – the only Poland’s trade fair dedicated for the representatives of the business sector associated with dance, event and stage technologies. The primary objective of the event is promotion of the industry sector as well as integration stimulation of the business insiders and presentation of the latest achievements in the field of dance, stage performance and event entertainment. This year’s fair is accompanied by:
  • 2nd National Modern Dance Contest SHOWEXPO-KIELCE 2011
  • Dance workshops with Thierry Verger and Grzegorz Pańtaki
  • The worksops devoted to Salsa Casino, Salsa LA and Salsa NY run by Paweł Bugała (Warsaw) and Fibe and Oliwka (Koszalin), open and free of charge
  • Dance presentations of Kielce Dance Schools
  • Demonstrations of Break Dance and Street Dance featuring the “Funky Masons”
  • The Photographic Exhibition „ZWIERZenia” featuring the animal-like stylisation portraits of dancers – finalists of the “You Can Dance” TV show -Monika Niedek
  • Medical Panel hosted by Tomasz Chmielewski MD and Arystofanes Bąk on principles of children and young people qualification for dance, acrobatics and ballet class participation, functional training, medical care designed for dancers, modern ways of talocrurar joint and knee-joint rehabilitation after injury.
  • The book launch of “Acrobatic Rock’n’roll” of Dorota Lipka-Nowak PhD, meeting with the author and special presentation of acrobatic rock’n’roll.