
SIEMENS – innovative solutions

18 september 2012
Molecular magnetic resonance showcased at the MEDYCYNA XXI expo

Siemens is to present the new generation mMR Biograph resonance

Siemens will showcase its latest Biograph mMR resonance at the MEDYCYNA XXI trade fair. For the first time the latest 3T MRI technology and the cutting-edge molecular imaging solutions have been integrated in one application. And Siemens has thus redefined imaging , diagnostics and treatment process management.

In November 2010 the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) financed the installation of the Biograph mMR at the Department of Nuclear Medicine of the Technical University in Munich. The special feature of the 3-tesla hybrid system is the combination of the two important imaging techniques in one system: positron emission tomography (PET) equipped with exceptionally sensitive avalanche photodiodes and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This method provides for a higher contrast of soft tissues when compared with CT and thus it is designed to be the first-line therapy for oncology diagnosis in soft tissues.

Owing to the potentials presented by these ultra-precise images which go down to the subtle details, new areas of scientific research and clinical applications arise. They have never been available before and thus provide the possibility of new discoveries and better treatment.

On the second day of the MEDYCYNA XXI exhibition; 20th September there is the Siemens seminar on "First Clinical Experiences with the Integrated Simultaneous PET/MR Scanner Biograph mMR". The seminar conducted by Hilmar Kuehl PhD MD starts at 11.00 and last 45 minutes.