
Sport, business and education

25 january 2011
At the fair KIELCE SPORT - ZIMA 2011 there will be a lot to learn

Training sessions are organised during the largest in Poland International Sport and Outdoor Equipment Fair KIELCE SPORT - ZIMA

The exhibitors and also the guests of the fair have a unique chance to extend their knowledge how to run own business more effectively.

The first training session organised on the second day of the fair (that is 17th February) will be held under the banner “Export Passport”. The meeting organisers are SportBiznes.pl and Kancelaria Doradztwa Gospodarczego Cieślak & Kordasiewicz (Cieślak & Kordasiewicz Chambers of Economic Counselling) from Warsaw.

The main theme of the discussion will be the possibility of financial support for export activities and projects within the framework of Operational Programme Innovative Economy. The practical training session “Export Passport” will provide extensive knowledge on the possibility of financial support for export projects and activities carried out by entrepreneurs. The financial subsidy is up to 50% of the project costs with the maximum sum of as much as 200 000 PLN. The next deadline for submitting applications is 11th March 2011. The subsidy is granted to implement projects aimed at strengthening the company’s competitive position on the foreign markets, to make the trade and company brands more recognisable on international markets and to increase the volume of export in the sale volume of the company.

On the third day of the fair our guests are invited to participate in another meeting; “Shop which Earns”. The “Shop which Earns” meeting will give you a chance to learn more about the latest trends in marketing communication used in sports sector, how to generate higher sale volumes or use modern marketing strategies for a sports shop. This training session will be run by Marek Borowiński PhD, the specialist in Visual Merchandising, and also the consultant, advisor and coach who has worked with many companies and published numerous publications. Mr Borowiński specializes in psychology of visual perception. At present he is carrying out the research in the right colour and fragrance selection for the shop. All his experiences have been combined into a sensual synergy programme designed for a retailer.

Please join us!