
Stepping up on the Europe's map

05 july 2014
From among all Central and Eastern Europe's exhibition centers which were the subject to 2013's CENTREX audit (International Organization for Statistics Events Exhibition) Targi Kielce has made the greatest leap forward. For the first time in its history the Exhibition and Congress Centre was promoted from the third to second place in the ranking terms of the exhibition space leased; it has also maintained the vice-leader position with respect to the number of exhibitors

Targi Kielce
The amount of the exhibition space leased to erect booths is the most important of all parameters which indicate exhibition centres' market standing. - Just like car manufacturers are classified with regards to the number of vehicles, so are the exhibition organizers; here the classification is primarily based on a number of square meters sold - explains Andrzej Mochoń, Targi Kielce President of the Management Board - In this category Targi Kielce has been really successful as it came second in the ranking of Central and Eastern Europe's leaders. Thanks to really good results we have been able to the many-year ranking's runner-up - Brno expo. According to CENTREX audit results we leased 70 000 meters more than the Czech Republic's exhibition organizer. And this is quite an achievement.says President Andrzej Mochoń.

Targi Kielce is also ranked among the front-runners of the organizers' ranking with respect to the number of exhibitors; another strategic parameter of the exhibition activity.

- Over 6 000 companies translate into 10% increase; thus once again we have been able to reach a very high, second position in the ranking. - says President Mochoń and highlights that - In the Central and Eastern Europe all of us have been significantly affected by the economic slowdown consequences. Poland has turned out to be much more resistant to these changes than Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine, i.e the countries represented by other business exhibition organizers audited by CENTREX. With better economic situation, Poland's two expo centers have come at the top of the leaders list for the first time in the history.

Not only has Targi Kielce been successful as the expo organiser. Many of the exhibitions are the Central and Eastern Europe's leading events; The events such as the 20th International Fair of Agricultural Techniques AGROTECH. - In Poland, there is no other exhibition event which would boast a larger exhibition area. This very expo is also the leader with regards to the number of visitors. In March 2014, the number reached almost 60,000. Agrotech is also business-sector's leader according to European statistics. The Poznan Polagra Premiery with 41 thousand visitors and the Hungarian AgromaszExpo with a similar number of guests fall behind. - says President Mochoń.

When other business and industry areas are taken into consideration, the audits shows that Kielce is also the front-runner in plastics processing - PLASTPOL expo accounts for 700 exhibitors from 33 countries, the June church exhibition SACROEXPO attracts almost 300 exhibitors. The same applies to the defence industry expo. The International Defence Industry Exhibition always takes place in early September; MSPO knocks spots off Brno's IDET.

There is yet another Polish exhibitions organizer in the CENTREX ranking - Gdańsk International Fair. In terms of the exhibition space leased MTG has been classified in ninth place; with regards to the number of exhibitors and visitors - sixth and eighth place respectively.

Centrex - International Exhibition Statistics Union is Central and Eastern Europe's most important organization of this kind; not only does it promote the largest and most dynamic trade fair centers, but it also monitors their development. CENTREX is also dedicated to promoting the very idea of the trade fair as the best marketing medium. The ranking of internationally recognised centers induced the thirteen most important trade fair and expo organizers from cities such as: Arad, Brno, Budapest, Ceskie Budejovice, Kielce, Gdańsk, Poznań, Lviv, Kiev (two organisers) Plovdiv, Debrecen and Bucharest.