
Stone as a building material

17 april 2012
STONE EXHIBITION – the admission-free conference in Targi Kielce

Salon Kamienia

From 20th to 22nd April 2012 Kielce will be the venue for the SALON KAMIENIA trade fair (Stone Exhibition) organised by Targi Kielce in Conjunction with the Swietokrzyskie Division of Polish Geological Institute (PIB) in Kielce. For the seventeenth time the PIB has prepared the scientific conference on “stone as a building material” which accompanies the trade fair.

The Conference will be held in the CK3 conference room of the Targi Kielce Conference Centre (1 Zakładowa street) on the first daz of the trade fair, i.e. 29th April 2012 (Friday).

Conference programme
11:00 Conference opening – Associate Professor Wiesław Trela, PhD Hab - PIG–PIB, the Director of the Swietokrzyskie Division of Polish Geological Institute in Kielce
11:10-13:00 Presentations
• Great alluvial cones– world’s geological monuments
Professor Janina Wiszniewska PhD Hab. (Polish Geological Institute in –PIB in Warsaw)
• Tradition and modernity of stone as a building material the in present day architecture of Warsaw
Elżbieta Tołkanowicz MA (Polish Geological Institute in –PIB in Warsaw)
• The regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (UE) nr 305/2011 of 9.03.2011 which introduces harmonised laws for placing construction products on the market which revokes the Council’s directive 89/106/EWG
Stanisław Sitarz MA Engineer (Stone Processing Business Sector Employers’ Association - Strzegom; Michał Firlej Engineer (Stone Consulting, Strzegom)
• Stone in the architecture of Swiętokrzyskie and Ponidzie Region
Jerzy Jędrychowski (“Georaj", Kielce)
• Changes in the world’s market of stone trading
Dariusz Wawrzynkiewicz MA Engineer (“Nowy Kamieniarz” (The New Stonemaster) bi-monthly magazine ”, Poznań)
13:00-13:30 Discussion and conference summary

The STONE EXHIBITON will be accompanied by the 19th Fair of Residential Building Materials and Interior Fitments DOM, the 19th Garden Fair OGRÓD i TY, the 4th International Fair of Rural and Agricultural Tourism AGROTRAVEL held simultaneously in Targi Kielce exhibition pavilions.