
Świętokrzyskie pulls down the “Eastern Wall”

19 july 2011
The billboard campaign which promotes the region has been targeted at a nubmer of Poland’s biggest cities

maraton Fitdance

Over two hundred square metre display in the centre of Polish capital reads: “Świętokrzyskie – if you have the drive for investments …”. Similar billboards are presented in seven biggest cities all over the country and they are located in the vicinity of the busiest roads. Świętokrzyskie no longer in the shadow of “Poland B”!

The mega-board campaign is one of the elements to promote Świętokrszyskie Voivodeship’s economy, alongside the “Investments in Eastern Poland” Forum and the national contest to produce the poster which promotes Świętokrzyskie, television and press advertisements. The program has been implemented by Grono Targowe Kielce (Kielce Fair Cluster). In the framework of the “Economic and Investment Promotion of Świętokrzyskie Region Based on Kielce Trade Fair” project realisation, the billboard campaign to promote Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship as a good place for investments is being held all over Poland. Warsaw, Poznań, Wrocław, Kraków, Łódź, Sosnowiec, Katowice or Gdańsk – to name just a few of the places the campaign is targeted at. The billboards have been displayed in most characteristic as well as most attended points of the cities, in high roads, city centres, along the cross-town links as well as in the meeting places and the venues where cultural events are held.

The ultimate goal of the EU project implemented by the Trade Chamber Grono Targowe Kielce (Kielce Fair Cluster) with the active support of Targi Kielce, is to highlight the economic and investment attractiveness of Swiętokrzyskie Voivodeship and to create the positive image of the region to be noticed and recognised on the national and international scale.