
Świętokrzyskie – your place to invest

15 december 2010
Design a poster to promote our region and win yourself 10 000 PLN

The competition organiser is the first fair cluster in the world

The contest subject area gives vast possibilities for artistic minds. The most important however is to promote Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship values as the exceptionally attractive place for investors.

To contest organiser is Grono Tagrgowe Kielce (Kielce Fair Bunch) which associates a few dozens of companies in the first fair cluster in the world.

The competition jury consists of the internationally renown artist Rafał Olbiński, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship Marshal Adam Jarubas, Manger of Kielce Bureau of Art Exhibitions Marian Rumin and Targi Kielce President of Board Andryej Mochoń.

The work can represent in any artistic technique presentation. An important reservation is the size, at least A3 page poster presented either in print or in a digital version. Works can be submitted between 15 December 2010 and 31 Mach 2011. The competition jury will select the best poster at the beginning of April and its author will receive as much as 10 000 PLN the contest results will be published on the website www.gronotargowe.pl.