
Take care of your EcoStyle and take part in the competition

29 march 2011
You can win yourself eco cosmetics Pat&Rub by Kinga Rusin
Eko Moda (Eco Style) competition which is organised during the EcoFamily fair is addressed for creative people of all ages. All it takes is to bring a piece of garment for ladies gents or children or jewellery you have created by yourself and be in Targi Kielce this Sunday (3rd April).

The basic condition for the participants is to make their models from 100% recyclable materials – and these can be paper, used packaging like cardboard drink cans, PET bottles, tins or plastic bags.

The prize founder is the company which takes part in the fair and presents the famous Pat&Rub cosmetic brand and authorial line of cosmetics owned by Kinga Rusin.