Centrum Kongresowe Targi Kielce

Targi Kielce ranked among the most important events of the recent 25 years

22 january 2014
The Gazeta Wyborcza Daily’s plebiscite kick-off. You can vote too!

John Paul II paying the visit to the region, the struggle to preserve the voivodeship or Targi Kielce? The Kielce’s Gazeta Wyborcza Daily has opened its plebiscite for the last 25-year-period’s most important event. Not only does the list of potential winners include the Targi Kielce expo centre, but also the Jazz Festival Memorial to Miles. Join in and vote.

Both events stand a chance to win owing to the fact that votes can assign one point to three events listed alphabetically.

You can vote before 3rd February; follow the link http://mail.enewsletter.pl/n/646/survey/a1389880432a605f5