Spotkanie Prezesa Zarządu Targów Kielce, dr. Andrzeja Mochonia, z Krzysztofem Przybyłem, Prezesem Zarządu Fundacji Polskiego Godła Promocyjnego.

Targi Kielce supports "Teraz Polska" campaign

31 january 2025
The Kielce exhibition and congress centre has partnered with the Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation – the prestigious “Teraz Polska” competition organisers. Andrzej Mochon PhD. , President of the Board, Targi Kielce, SA in the meeting with Krzysztof Przybył, President of the Management Board of the Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation, signed a letter of intent concerning cooperation

The Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation promotes Polish products and services both at home and abroad. Every year, the "Teraz Polska" competition recognises the best products and services. The winners list alongside national giants, includes medium and small companies and companies that have only recently marked their presence.

Polish brands gain the seal of quality

“Teraz Polska” is a prestigious competition for companies. The prize is the right to use the “Teraz Polska” Emblem, a symbol of the quality of Polish brands. For years, this sign has helped millions of Poles make informed purchasing decisions.

Why is it worth joining the competition?

The competition is a gateway and opens many doors for winners and participants  as it increases brand recognition, raises the prestige of the organisation, and has a real impact on sales growth. The call for entries for the 35th edition of the competition is now open at: https://konkursterazpolska.pl/

Targi Kielce supports "Teraz Polska" campaign

Due to the partnership with the Foundation, Targi Kielce becomes a member of the "Teraz Polska" Club and can conduct promotional and advertising activities, including club meetings and on Teraz Polska websites. This cooperation will open up new opportunities for the expo centre to establish business relations.
