
Targi Kielce – the Ambassador of Polish Economy

27 april 2011
The prestigious distinction for the most dynamic exhibition centre in Poland

Targi Kielce – the Ambassador of Polish Economy

In the 3rd edition of the Ambassador of Polish Economy contest organised by Business Centre Club, the jury panel has selected 58; laureates in four categories – Exporter, European Brand, the Partner of Foreign Companies, the 21st Century Solution Creator.

The title of the Ambassador of Polish Economy in the category the Partner of Foreign Companies has been awarded to Targi Kielce.

The contest final gala will be held on 16th May in the palace of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw. The diploma will be presented to the Targi Kielce President of Board Andrzej Mochoń by the minister Radosław Sikorski and the BCC President Maerk Goliszewski.