
The 3rd Place Branding Gallery declared open

11 october 2011
Targi Kielce – the strategic partner

The meeting was opened by Pierre-Paul Vander Sande, Chief International Operating Officer, France Télévisions Publicity. He described the utilisation of thematic channels to promote a specific region aboard.

How to create a brand of a particular place so that it will benefit its local inhabitants as well as the business operating in the area, how to carry out promotional activities abroad in a cheap and efficient way – these are the main topics of discussion for the guests of the 3rd Place Branding Gallery held in Targi Kielce today.

The meeting organiser and moderator is Grzegorz Kiszluk – the creator of the Brief4Poland platform. The previous editions of the conference were held in Łódź; today meeting is the Kielce premiere. And today’s meeting featured the presentations of place branding specialists; and among them Pierre-Paul Vander Sande, Chief International Operating Officer, France Télévisions Publicity. He familiarised the guests gathered at Targi Kielce with the way the thematic TV channels can be utilised as a promotional tool targeted at foreign viewers – You need to speak their language – said the lecturer and highlighted the possibility of using multi-language television channels. Bożena Czaja, the Deputy President of PAIiIZ has reminded the listeners about the idea of Eastern Poland Programme and the achievements it has displayed until now. Economic missions, conferences, and international contacts – these are just a few ways of promoting Eastern Poland voivodeships.

Join us at the conference also tomorrow, Wednesday 12th October. We are going to be presented with the review of Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship promotional campaign and introduced into the effective ways of trade fair utilisation as a tool to acquire investors and tourists.

The detailed programme is available at the website: http://brief4poland.pl/Content/showfullanswer/33fa51b52ee7c49f,x,x,x,program-gmm.