
The Aggregate Exhibition already in 2012

10 may 2011
The contact to hold a new trade fair in Targi Kielce has been concluded

The contact for the organisation of the Aggregate Exhibition has been concluded between Targi Kielce and the Institute of Mechanised Construction and Rock Mining. (On the left – the Director of  IMBiGS Stefan Górlaczyk, on the right the President of TK Andrzej Mochoń)

- This hugely important raw material deserves to have its own trade fair. And this is the reason for us to put this exhibition in the calendar of events for the following year – says the President of Board of Targi Kielce Andrzej Mochoń.

The contract between Targi Kielce and the Institute of Mechanised Construction and Rock Mining was signed during the press conference; and the Minister Cezary Grabarczyk also participated in the conference. According to the agreement, the new trade fair – the Aggregate Exhibition is to be held simultaneously with the AUTOSTRADA-POLSKA, MASZBUD and TRAFFIC-EXPO - TIL fairs.

The Director of the Institute of Mechanised Construction and Rock Mining Stefan Góralczyk stressed the fact that the business sector of aggregates is one of the main components of road engineering business and thus one of the main branches of industry in Poland and other countries. – Until now we have had some exhibition stands of this business sector at the AUTOSTRADA-POLSKA fair. Now the entrepreneurs will be given the chance to create their own fairs, and I am truly glad because of this fact – adds Director Góralczyk.

The contract was signed by the Deputy President of Targi Kielce Bożena Staniak and the Deputy Director of Marek Gajewski.