Each Festival accolade is a great chance for the bands, especially for those recently formed

“The Apple Taste” the best

02 december 2013
The “Przy kominku” Gala Concert staged in Targi Kielce
The finals of the second edition of the tourism and poetry-set-to-music festival is now over, the event was staged in the Omega hall of the Targi Kielce Congress Centre.

The two-day event brought 36 recordings and 12 live performances. “Smak Jabłka” (The Apple Taste) of Potrków Tryunalski was pronounced the laureate of the festival, followed by the two bands equally ranked "Nie jest źle” (It’s not that bad) from Iłza and "Dusza we mgle” (Spirit in the Fog) from Przemyśl. Also the two bands were ranked third – the poetry-set-to-music band "Jak” (How) from Przeworks and "Nocny lot” (Night Flight) from Gdynia.

The Jury Panel was composed of, inter alia, the Targi Kielce President of Board Andrzej Mochoń PhD, Janusz Deblessem – the Polish Radio Channel Three speaker as well as Jerzy Krużel – the Civic Platform club head. The National Festival of Poetic and Tourism Songs gained extra splendour owing to the performance of Wolna Grupa Bukowina and the Dom o Zielonych Progach. Those in the concert truly appreciated the high-quality acoustics of the Omega auditorium.