
The commissioner at the ribbon cutting ceremony

12 march 2011
The fairs of AGROTECH and LAS-EXPO declared officially open

The gala opening of the AGROTECH i LAS-EXPO fairs. From the right: Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Marek Sawicki, The European Union Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Ciolos and Deputy Minister of Agriculture in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina Dusan Nescovic

- This is the most popular and the largest agricultural fair in Poland – Bożena Staniak, Targi Kielce Deputy President of Board said during the official fair opening. On the first day of the fair – Friday the attendance was just enormous. This is a good forecast for the fair; the fair attendance is expected to exceed 40 thousand visitors. We are very happy to have the farmers from all over Poland and the neighbouring countries visiting our fair as well as the co-operators, experts of agricultural technology, agricultural attaches accredited in Poland and students of agricultural schools.

The official fair opening was also attended by The European Union Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Ciolos, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Marek Sawicki, Deputy Minister of Agriculture in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina Dusan Nescovic.