
The Consortium of Funeral Exhibitors at the Kielce’s NECROEXPO. The goal has been achieved
The consortium members are primarily service providers from the funeral industry, who are also exhibitors. Cooperation is the aim of the Consortium's activities which results in the organisation of the Polish Funeral Trade Fair, significant event in the European arena.
- Three years ago, here in Kielce, we had decided that we, the exhibitors of funeral trade fairs, forget about the fight for the time of the expo and join forces to co-organise the only funeral trade fair in the country - reminds Aneta Zdyb, the owner of Carmen from Lublin, one of the initiators of the consortium creation. This group also included the companies Funero, Plastmet and R. Sadowski.
Entrepreneurs were motivated to take such actions by the fact that funeral trade fairs were too frequent in different parts of the country. They decided to organise one large event every two years. The Consortium is to act as an entity in negotiations with the expo centre and has an influence on the course of the event.
- We've achieved our goal. The event went as we planned. Between the Consortium expo stands there is a zone, where we all have a place to talk to our clients, to host them properly - emphasises Aneta Zdyb. - Next activities and meeting in two years. You can join the Consortium all the time.