
The Day of German Unity

08 october 2012
The new Consul General of Germany in Krakow Werner Köhler PhD pays a visit to Kielce

The Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Krakow Werner Köhler PhD (on the left) payst a visit to Kielce

The Day of German Unity (Tag der Deutschen Einheit) celebrated on 3rd October is a public holiday. It dates back to 1990 when the German Democratic Republic and West Berlin were reunited with Federal Republic of Germany.

To celebrate the occasion, the new Consul general of Germany to Krakow Werner Köhler PhD paid a visit to Kielce on Monday, 8th October. Accompanied by the Honorary Consul of Germany; the Targi Kielce President of Board Andrzej Mochoń PhD, Werner Köhler attended the meeting with Deputy Marshal of Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship Grzegorz Świercz (at 12.00 in the Marshal’s Office), Swietokrzyskie Voivode Bożentyna Pałka-Koruba (at 12.50 in the Voivodeship Office) and the Kielce Mayor Wojciech Lubawski (at 14.00 in the City Hall). In the evening the Consuls will participate in the meeting of the city and voivodeship authorities, representatives of companies with German capital which operate in our region as well as head teachers of schools and educational institutions which follow the extended German language and culture curriculum.