
The Eagles of Polish Foundry Engineering in Targi Kielce

28 september 2011
Medals and mentions for the best MA dissertation on foundry engineering have been awarded

The laureate of the Polish Foundry Engineering distinction

The 17th International Fair of Technologies for Foundry METAL was the venue where the Foundry Commission of Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) held their session. Granting distinctions to the best MA thesis devoted to this line of business has become an inseparable part of the fair programme and, as Professor Józef Such, the Dean of AGH said, it has become the tradition of it. Professor Sakwa award has been established in two categories; for the best MA and PhD thesis. The dissertation were assessed against construction and innovativeness criteria, possibility of application, thesis promoter’s and reviewer’s evaluation and the information on the diploma examination itself.

The best MA thesis was presented by Nowak-Dudek MA Engineer from the faculty of foundry engineering of AGH University of Technology; its title is “Optimisation of the cast iron planetary gear EN-GJS-3 production process for special purpose vehicles made in the metallurgical plant of WSK Rzeszów Sp. z.o.o.” The author of the other thesis is Grzegorz Woźniak, also from AGH. The jury has granted two equiponderant awards for the third place; for Mateusz Talarek MA Eng. And Dorota Stormowska MA Eng. Special mention was presented to Paulina Anna Barańska. The laureates of the best engineering dissertation wereAgnieszka Łaznowska and Maciej Misiorny. Congratulations to the laureates and may you attain further successes!