
The European Union Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development will be the guest of AGROTECH

25 february 2011
Dacian Cioloş will be paying a visit to the largest agricultural exhibition in Poland on 12th March

Dacian Ciolos, UE Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development will visit the largest exhibition of agricultural technology in Poland.

Dacian Cioloş will participate in the official fair opening and then will visit the exhibition.

The AGROTECH fair guest is a Romanian agricultural engineer, a politician and the former minister of agriculture (2007–2008). He is the present Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development and the member of the European Commission with José Barroso as the President. In early 90ties Dacian Cioloş was employed in France where he was working on rural and agricultural development projects.

In the years 1997 - 1999, he worked at the European Commission's Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development helping prepare the SAPARD programme followed by his work at two agricultural development agencies in France from 1999 to 2001. In May 2007 he was appointed the undersecretary of state for European affairs. Since October 2007 to December 2008 he was serving the function of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in the government of Călina Popescu-Tăriceanu.

In October 2009 the national government recommended him for the position of the European commissioner. 0n 27th November 2009 it was announced that in the second José Barroso commission Dacian Ciolos will hold the agriculture commissioner position. He took up his office after winning the approval from the European Parliament on 9th February 2010.